Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Follow Up to Tuesday's Ball-Licking Good Times in the Mud (It Involves Donuts)

After my glorious pre-dawn experiences yesterday with the construction crew from next door, I wasn't surprised when I was awakened this morning by the magical sound of hammers from next door around 6:35AM.  But I was prepared this time.  Leaping out of bed, I was about to put "Operation: Donut Doomsday" into effect.  I had a new strategy.

I edged out the door (this time with both a bra on AND my hair brushed) holding in my hands a sturdy paper plate with half a dozen donuts arranged in a fancy semi-circle.  There were two caked sprinkle donuts, a long john, two powdered, and a glazed one.  I had also made some Dunkin' Donuts coffee which I poured into two insulated mugs and had settled in each of my shorty robe pockets.  Footwear was more carefully selected today.  I was wearing running shoes and I carefully watched my step and muddy puddles as I approached the workers.

The first guy, who I've nicknamed  "Chuckles" for his reaction to my misstep the day before visibly paled when he saw me approaching.  Smiling broadly and stepping over the small plastic fence separating our properties, I stood in front of him with my peace offering.  He relaxed and I graciously handed over the goods with the well-placed comment, "Don't worry, I didn't spit in the coffee for you openly laughing at me yesterday."  He didn't laugh and neither did I.  I think it was a good moment for us.

We didn't share friendly conversations and they may or may not have eaten the donuts concerned that I had spent the morning coating them in rat poison but I can confirm that they will no longer be hammering or engaging in table saw symphonies at 6 AM.  Nope.  (And as I suspected yesterday Chuckles was, in fact, using a table saw and it totally creeped him out when he caught me taking pictures of him from my porch.)

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